Planetary Cycles, Organic Cycles, Physic Cycles and Miscellaneous Cycles.  Each category of cycles is comprised of numerous cycles.  A few of my favorite and well known cycles are the Life Cycle which begins with life and ends with death.  A Year Cycle which is made up of four seasons.  A Moon Cycle which is comprised of eight phases within a month.  

“Moon Cycle in One Image” by Giorgia Hofer

“Moon Cycle in One Image” by Giorgia Hofer

I went for a hike as I reflected on the cycles of life.  Coincidentally it was the first day of Autumn.  I walked through parts of the forest with green, other areas fading into yellow blending with orange and finally sections that were dried and brown.  Each leaf was changing color, shriveling and falling from the trees.  The shift in season is an example that life is perpetually changing, moving forward and letting go.  Nature is a beautiful reminder.  A reminder that cycles are inevitable and letting go is a necessity.  Letting go of the past and what no longer serves us in order to develop and grow.  Change is like the wind, the leaves, water and skin.  Change is inevitable the sooner you accept it the easier it will be.

As humans we are experiencing the life cycle with multiple cycles playing out throughout our life.  Often times we are unaware of these cycles because we have become so accustomed to the circular path and patterns we don’t know anything different so our cycles continue.  Other times we become aware of these cycles which have become comfortable, habitual and familiar so our cycles continue whether they are positive or negative cycles.  Then there are the rare occasions that our cycles are interrupted and what was once comfortable and familiar no longer aligns with the individual and the cycle is broken giving the individual an opportunity for expansion.  This is the exception versus the rule.  

Why is it that as humans we want to remain on our original path or within our original cycles?  Why do we resist change?  Why do we resist evolving?  Why do we resist growth?  Why do we resist improvement?  The answer is simple.  Humans are hardwired to avoid discomfort.  We have a natural proclivity to avoid perceived pain.  I say perceived pain because we have discomfort and pain on either path, the only difference is one is familiar and the other is unfamiliar.  The desire to move away from the unknown is instinctual.  We must work against our instincts in order to evolve.  No wonder we choose the path of least resistance within ourselves.  Yet those willing to choose to fly against the wind, swim against the current, and go left when everyone else is going right will embark on the greatest journey into the unknown.  The unknown of what one can become in a world where being true to yourself is the greatest accomplishment one could gain.  I realize when I write this one might think this would be a simple decision to choose one’s most authentic self.  I can tell you that it is a daily decision, a daily practice and you will be challenged consistently and continuously. With time the decision becomes indisputable and the challenges become opportunities.
