I recognize where you are on your path. You are uncomfortable and you feel dissatisfied but don’t know why, you feel like there is a void within you, or you feel lost for your purpose. Well you are lost. You left yourself a long time ago and it is time to return.  

Invitation after invitation arrived as I tossed them aside. I told myself I did not have time, I would respond at a later date, or I would get rid of them with no desire to reply at all. I continued steadfast down my path, but then the path started to look familiar. The invitations began to feel repetitive. 


I kept trying to make order out of the chaos outside of me, but I never looked within me. Until I received another invitation from the Universe. This invitation was hand delivered to my front door. It was clear the invitation was for me as it was written in big, bold letters with explicit instructions. Even then, I picked it up everyday for a month unsure of how to reply.

Faced with leaving my familiar path, saturated with uncomfortability, for a new unknown path paralyzed me with fear. When I made my final decision to accept the invitation, I thought I would feel better and that I would immediately receive a congratulations, possibly gifts or a reward for my courageous efforts, but instead I received more lessons. 

Each lesson and each choice I made, whether it be small or large, day in and day out, allowed me to cultivate balance within me to be able to manage myself in the chaos outside of me.

leaf covered bridge

As I sit quietly and reflect on the last two years, I was given numerous invitations. Some of them lost in the mail, some of them tossed in the garbage, others I carried around without responding, while others I responded to because I allowed someone else to influence my decision. And then, there were all the invitations I answered from my head and not my heart, but they kept coming until I started to respond authentically from my heart.

Are you being called to be courageous? Will YOU accept the invitation from the universe?  
